Source code for clickpoints.Addon

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Richard Gerum, Sebastian Richter
# This file is part of ClickPoints.
# ClickPoints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ClickPoints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ClickPoints. If not, see <>

from __future__ import division, print_function
import time
import clickpoints
from qtpy import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from .includes import CanvasWindow
from .includes import QtShortCuts
from .modules.OptionEditor import getOptionInputWidget
from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers
import threading
import asyncio

figures = {}

def show():
    global figures
    canvas = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active().canvas
    if canvas.window:

def figure(num=None, size=None, *args, **kwargs):
    global figures
    if num is None:
        num = len(figures)
    if num not in figures.keys():
        canvas = CanvasWindow(num, *args, **kwargs).canvas
        figures[num] = canvas
    canvas = figures[num]
    if size is not None:
        figures[num].window.setGeometry(100, 100, size[0] * 80, size[1] * 80)
    return canvas.figure

[docs]class Command: script_launcher = None stop = False def __init__(self, script_launcher=None, script=None): self.script_launcher = script_launcher self.script = script if self.script_launcher is not None: self.window = self.script_launcher.window
[docs] def jumpFrames(self, value): """ Let ClickPoints jump the given amount of frames. Parameters ---------- value : int the amount of frame which ClickPoints should jump. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_jump.emit(int(value))
[docs] def jumpToFrame(self, value): """ Let ClickPoints jump to the given frame. Parameters ---------- value : int the frame to which ClickPoints should jump. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_jumpTo.emit(int(value))
[docs] def jumpFramesWait(self, value): """ Let ClickPoints jump the given amount of frames and wait for it to complete. Parameters ---------- value : int the amount of frames which ClickPoints should jump. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_jump.emit(int(value)) # if this is the main thread, we have to call processEvents if isinstance(threading.current_thread(), threading._MainThread): # wait for frame change to be completed while self.window.new_frame_number != int(value) or self.window.loading_image: return # wait for frame change to be completed while self.window.new_frame_number != int(value) or self.window.loading_image: time.sleep(0.01)
[docs] def jumpToFrameWait(self, value): """ Let ClickPoints jump to the given frame and wait for it to complete. Parameters ---------- value : int the frame to which ClickPoints should jump. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_jumpTo.emit(int(value)) # if this is the main thread, we have to call processEvents if isinstance(threading.current_thread(), threading._MainThread): # wait for frame change to be completed while self.window.new_frame_number != int(value) or self.window.loading_image: return # wait for frame change to be completed while self.window.new_frame_number != int(value) or self.window.loading_image: time.sleep(0.01)
[docs] def reloadMask(self): """ Reloads the current mask file in ClickPoints. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_broadcast.emit("ReloadMask", tuple())
[docs] def reloadMarker(self, frame=None): """ Reloads the marker from the given frame in ClickPoints. Parameters ---------- frame : int the frame which ClickPoints should reload. Use `None` for the current frame. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return # if no frame is given use the current frame if frame is None: frame = self.window.data_file.get_current_image() self.window.signal_broadcast.emit("ReloadMarker", (frame,))
[docs] def reloadTypes(self): """ Reloads the marker types. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_broadcast.emit("UpdateCounter", tuple())
[docs] def reloadMaskTypes(self): """ Reloads the mask types. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_broadcast.emit("maskTypesChangedEvent", tuple())
[docs] def reloadTracks(self): """ Reloads all tracks. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return # get the marker handler marker_handler = self.window.GetModule("MarkerHandler") # get all track types track_types = self.window.data_file.getMarkerTypes(mode=self.window.data_file.TYPE_Track) # and reload them for type in track_types: marker_handler.ReloadTrackType(type)
[docs] def getImage(self): """ Get the current image displayed in ClickPoints. Returns ------- image : :py:class:`Image` the currently displayed image in ClickPoints """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return image = self.window.data_file.image return image
[docs] def getCurrentFrame(self): """ Get the current ClickPoints frame. Returns ------- frame : int the currently selected frame in ClickPoints """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return return self.window.data_file.current_image_index
[docs] def getFrameRange(self): """ Get the current ClickPoints frame range from the start marker to the end marker. Returns ------- range : list the start and end marker position, as well, as the skip """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return timeline = self.window.GetModule("Timeline") return [timeline.frameSlider.startValue(), timeline.frameSlider.endValue(), timeline.skip]
[docs] def selectMarkerType(self, type): """ Select a given marker type in ClickPoints. Parameters ---------- type : :py:class:`MarkerType` the marker type which should be selected. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.GetModule("MarkerHandler").SetActiveMarkerType(new_type=type) self.window.GetModule("MarkerHandler").ToggleInterfaceEvent(hidden=False)
[docs] def updateImageCount(self): """ Notify ClickPoints that the count of images has changed. Has to be called when layers of images have changed or images have been added or removed. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.data_file.image_count = None self.window.current_layer = None self.window.layer_index = 1 self.window.GetModule("Timeline").ImagesAddedMain()
[docs] def hasTerminateSignal(self): """ Weather the run function is scheduled to stop """ return self.stop
def getHUD(self, location="upper left"): if location == "upper left": return self.window.view.hud elif location == "upper center": return self.window.view.hud_upperCenter elif location == "upper right": return self.window.view.hud_upperRight elif location == "left center": return self.window.view.hud_leftCenter elif location == "center": return self.window.view.hud_center elif location == "right center": return self.window.view.hud_rightCenter elif location == "lower left": return self.window.view.hud_lowerLeft elif location == "lower center": return self.window.view.hud_lowerCenter elif location == "lower right": return self.window.view.hud_lowerRight raise NameError("%s no valid location name" % location) STATUS_Idle = 0 STATUS_Active = 1 STATUS_Running = 2
[docs] def setStatus(self, status=0): """ Set the button state for the add-on. Parameters ---------- status : int the button can have three states, STATUS_Idle for an non active button, STATUS_Active for an active button and STATUS_Running for an active button with an hourglass symbol. """ if self.script_launcher is None: return self.script_launcher.setStatus(self.script.addon_name, status)
[docs] def centerOn(self, x, y): """ Center the image view on the given coordinates. Parameters ---------- x : number the x coordinate y : number the y coordinate """ if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.CenterOn(x, y)
[docs] def save(self): """ Save currently usaved data in the current frame. """ if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.Save()
class Addon(QtWidgets.QWidget): _run_thread = None _run_task = None _change_status = QtCore.Signal(int) _option_widgets = None _input_widgets = [] def __init__(self, database, command=None, name="", database_class=None, icon=None): # initialize the Widget base class QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) # initialize the command class to communicate with ClickPoints self.cp = Command(command, self) # get the database instance, either it is already a database object or a filename if isinstance(database, str): # if we have a filename, open the file with the provided database class type or the default type if database_class: self.db = database_class(database) else: self.db = clickpoints.DataFile(database) else: # store the database object self.db = database # if the object should have a different class, convert it if database_class is not None: # store some pointers to the options _options = self.db._options _options_by_key = self.db._options_by_key # initiate a new database class instance with the new class type self.db = database_class(self.db.db.database) # and put the options pointers back in place self.db._options = _options self.db._options_by_key = _options_by_key # remember the add-on name self.addon_name = name # create an option category for the add-on self._options_category = "Addon - "+name self._option_widgets = {} self.db._last_category = self._options_category # set the icon for the add-on, if provided if icon is not None: self.setWindowIcon(icon) # wrap the run function, so that it automatically updates the current state of the add-on (for the button state in ClickPoints) function = if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction( # overload two matplotlib functions to help use them from the run function from a different thread = show plt.figure = figure function = def run_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.run_started() try: return function(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.run_stopped() = run_wrapper else: function = async def run_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.run_started() try: return await function(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.run_stopped() = run_wrapper self.run_threaded = self.run_async self._input_widgets = [] # connect the status changed signal (to be able to change the status from another thread) self._change_status.connect(self.cp.setStatus) def _warpOptionKey(self, key): # wrap an option keyword with the add-on's name return "addon_" + self.addon_name.replace(" ", "") + "_" + key def addOption(self, key="", **kwargs): # add an option for the add-on self.db._AddOption(key=self._warpOptionKey(key), **kwargs) def getOption(self, key): # get the option value for the add-on return self.db.getOption(key=self._warpOptionKey(key)) def getOptions(self): # get a list of all options as options objects return self.db._options_by_key[self._options_category] def setOption(self, key, value): # set the value of an option res = self.db.setOption(key=self._warpOptionKey(key), value=value) if key in self._option_widgets: self._option_widgets[key].setValue(self.getOption(key)) return res def linkOption(self, key, widget): signal = None if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QSpinBox) or isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox): signal = widget.valueChanged elif isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QLineEdit): signal = widget.textChanged elif isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QComboBox): signal = widget.editTextChanged elif isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QCheckBox): signal = widget.stateChanged elif isinstance(widget, QtShortCuts.QInput): signal = widget.valueChanged signal.connect(lambda value, key=key: self.optionInputChanged(value, key)) def inputOption(self, key, layout=None, **kwargs): if layout is None: layout = self.layout() option = self.db._options_by_key[self._warpOptionKey(key)] widget = getOptionInputWidget(option, layout, **kwargs) widget.options_key = key self._input_widgets.append(widget) def callSetOption(value): self.setOption(key, value) if getattr(self, "optionsChanged", None) is not None: try: self.optionsChanged(key) except TypeError: self.optionsChanged() widget.valueChanged.connect(callSetOption) self._option_widgets[key] = widget return widget def setHiddenInputs(self, filter, hidden): for widget in self._input_widgets: if widget.options_key.contains(filter): widget.setHidden(hidden) def optionInputChanged(self, value, key): self.setOption(key, value) def buttonPressedEvent(self): # callback that gets called when the user clicks the button of the add-on in ClickPoints self.run_threaded() def terminate(self): # when the add-on wants to tell it's run thread to terminate self.cp.stop = True if self._run_thread is not None: self._run_thread.join(1) if self._run_task is not None: self._run_task.cancel() self._run_thread = None self._run_task = None def is_running(self): # check if the run thread is running if (self._run_task and not self._run_task.done()) or (self._run_thread and self._run_thread.isAlive()): return True return False def run_started(self): # called before run, by the run_wrapper to update the state of the add-on self.cp.stop = False self._change_status.emit(self.cp.STATUS_Running) def run_stopped(self): # called after run, by the run_wrapper to update the state of the add-on if self.isVisible(): self._change_status.emit(self.cp.STATUS_Active) else: self._change_status.emit(self.cp.STATUS_Idle) def run_threaded(self, start_frame=None, function=None): if function is not None: def run_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.run_started() try: function(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.run_stopped() = run_wrapper # start the run function in another thread, or stop it, if it is already running if self.is_running(): self.terminate() else: if start_frame is None or isinstance(start_frame, bool): start_frame = self.cp.getCurrentFrame() self._run_thread = threading.Thread(, args=(start_frame,)) self._run_thread.daemon = True self._run_thread.start() def run_async(self, start_frame=None, function=None): if function is not None: def run_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.run_started() try: function(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.run_stopped() = run_wrapper # start the run function in another thread, or stop it, if it is already running if self.is_running(): self.terminate() else: if start_frame is None or isinstance(start_frame, bool): start_frame = self.cp.getCurrentFrame() self._run_task = asyncio.ensure_future(, def run(self, start_frame=0): # here the add-on can implement it's run routine pass def delete(self): # callback that gets called if ClickPoints wants to remove the add-on (also used before reloading the add-on) self.close() def showEvent(self, event): # when the add-on displays it's GUI, we change the status of the add-on if not self.is_running(): self.cp.setStatus(self.cp.STATUS_Active) def closeEvent(self, event): # when the add-on hides it's GUI, we change the status of the add-on if not self.is_running(): self.cp.setStatus(self.cp.STATUS_Idle)