Source code for clickpoints.Addon

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Richard Gerum, Sebastian Richter
# This file is part of ClickPoints.
# ClickPoints is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ClickPoints is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ClickPoints. If not, see <>

from __future__ import division, print_function
import time
import clickpoints
from qtpy import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from .includes import CanvasWindow
from matplotlib import _pylab_helpers
import threading

figures = {}

def show():
    global figures
    canvas = _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_active().canvas
    if canvas.window:

def figure(num=None, size=None, *args, **kwargs):
    global figures
    if num is None:
        num = len(figures)
    if num not in figures.keys():
        canvas = CanvasWindow(num, *args, **kwargs).canvas
        figures[num] = canvas
    canvas = figures[num]
    if size is not None:
        figures[num].window.setGeometry(100, 100, size[0] * 80, size[1] * 80)
    return canvas.figure

[docs]class Command: script_launcher = None stop = False def __init__(self, script_launcher=None, script=None): self.script_launcher = script_launcher self.script = script if self.script_launcher is not None: self.window = self.script_launcher.window
[docs] def jumpFrames(self, value): """ Let ClickPoints jump the given amount of frames. Parameters ---------- value : int the amount of frame which ClickPoints should jump. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_jump.emit(int(value))
[docs] def jumpToFrame(self, value): """ Let ClickPoints jump to the given frame. Parameters ---------- value : int the frame to which ClickPoints should jump. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_jumpTo.emit(int(value))
[docs] def jumpFramesWait(self, value): """ Let ClickPoints jump the given amount of frames and wait for it to complete. Parameters ---------- value : int the amount of frames which ClickPoints should jump. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_jump.emit(int(value)) # wait for frame change to be completed while self.window.new_frame_number != int(value) or self.window.loading_image: time.sleep(0.01)
[docs] def jumpToFrameWait(self, value): """ Let ClickPoints jump to the given frame and wait for it to complete. Parameters ---------- value : int the frame to which ClickPoints should jump. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_jumpTo.emit(int(value)) # wait for frame change to be completed while self.window.new_frame_number != int(value) or self.window.loading_image: time.sleep(0.01)
[docs] def reloadMask(self): """ Reloads the current mask file in ClickPoints. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_broadcast.emit("ReloadMask", tuple())
[docs] def reloadMarker(self, frame=None): """ Reloads the marker from the given frame in ClickPoints. Parameters ---------- frame : int the frame which ClickPoints should reload. Use `None` for the current frame. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return # if no frame is given use the current frame if frame is None: frame = self.window.data_file.get_current_image() self.window.signal_broadcast.emit("ReloadMarker", (frame,))
[docs] def reloadTypes(self): """ Reloads the marker types. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.signal_broadcast.emit("UpdateCounter", tuple())
[docs] def reloadTracks(self): """ Reloads all tracks. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return # get the marker handler marker_handler = self.window.GetModule("MarkerHandler") # get all track types track_types = self.window.data_file.getMarkerTypes(mode=self.window.data_file.TYPE_Track) # and reload them for type in track_types: marker_handler.ReloadTrackType(type)
def getImage(self, value): # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return image = self.window.data_file.get_image_data(int(value)) return image
[docs] def getCurrentFrame(self): """ Get the current ClickPoints frame. Returns ------- frame : int the currently selected frame in ClickPoints """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return return self.window.data_file.current_image_index
[docs] def getFrameRange(self): """ Get the current ClickPoints frame range from the start marker to the end marker. Returns ------- range : list the start and end marker position, as well, as the skip """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return timeline = self.window.GetModule("Timeline") return [timeline.frameSlider.startValue(), timeline.frameSlider.endValue(), timeline.skip]
[docs] def selectMarkerType(self, type): """ Select a given marker type in ClickPoints. Parameters ---------- type : :py:class:`MarkerType` the marker type which should be selected. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.GetModule("MarkerHandler").SetActiveMarkerType(new_type=type) self.window.GetModule("MarkerHandler").ToggleInterfaceEvent(hidden=False)
[docs] def updateImageCount(self): """ Notify ClickPoints that the count of images has changed. Has to be called when layers of images have changed or images have been added or removed. """ # only if we are not a dummy connection if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.data_file.image_count = None self.window.current_layer = None self.window.layer_index = 1 self.window.GetModule("Timeline").ImagesAddedMain()
[docs] def hasTerminateSignal(self): """ Weather the run function is scheduled to stop """ return self.stop
def getHUD(self, location="upper left"): if location == "upper left": return self.window.view.hud elif location == "upper center": return self.window.view.hud_upperCenter elif location == "upper right": return self.window.view.hud_upperRight elif location == "left center": return self.window.view.hud_leftCenter elif location == "center": return self.window.view.hud_center elif location == "right center": return self.window.view.hud_rightCenter elif location == "lower left": return self.window.view.hud_lowerLeft elif location == "lower center": return self.window.view.hud_lowerCenter elif location == "lower right": return self.window.view.hud_lowerRight raise NameError("%s no valid location name" % location) STATUS_Idle = 0 STATUS_Active = 1 STATUS_Running = 2
[docs] def setStatus(self, status=0): """ Set the button state for the add-on. Parameters ---------- status : int the button can have three states, STATUS_Idle for an non active button, STATUS_Active for an active button and STATUS_Running for an active button with an hourglass symbol. """ if self.script_launcher is None: return self.script_launcher.setStatus(self.script.addon_name, status)
[docs] def centerOn(self, x, y): """ Center the image view on the given coordinates. Parameters ---------- x : number the x coordinate y : number the y coordinate """ if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.CenterOn(x, y)
[docs] def save(self): """ Save currently usaved data in the current frame. """ if self.script_launcher is None: return self.window.Save()
class Addon(QtWidgets.QWidget): _run_thread = None _change_status = QtCore.Signal(int) def __init__(self, database, command=None, name="", database_class=None, icon=None): # initialize the Widget base class QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self) # overload two matplotlib functions to help use them from the run function from a different thread = show plt.figure = figure # initialize the command class to communicate with ClickPoints self.cp = Command(command, self) # get the database instance, either it is already a database object or a filename if isinstance(database, str): # if we have a filename, open the file with the provided database class type or the default type if database_class: self.db = database_class(database) else: self.db = clickpoints.DataFile(database) else: # store the database object self.db = database # if the object should have a different class, convert it if database_class is not None: # store some pointers to the options _options = self.db._options _options_by_key = self.db._options_by_key # initiate a new database class instance with the new class type self.db = database_class(self.db.db.database) # and put the options pointers back in place self.db._options = _options self.db._options_by_key = _options_by_key # remember the add-on name self.addon_name = name # create an option category for the add-on self._options_category = "Addon - "+name self.db._last_category = self._options_category # set the icon for the add-on, if provided if icon is not None: self.setWindowIcon(icon) # wrap the run function, so that it automatically updates the current state of the add-on (for the button state in ClickPoints) function = def run_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.run_started() try: return function(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.run_stopped() = run_wrapper # connect the status changed signal (to be able to change the status from another thread) self._change_status.connect(self.cp.setStatus) def _warpOptionKey(self, key): # wrap an option keyword with the add-on's name return "addon_" + self.addon_name.replace(" ", "") + "_" + key def addOption(self, key="", **kwargs): # add an option for the add-on self.db._AddOption(key=self._warpOptionKey(key), **kwargs) def getOption(self, key): # get the option value for the add-on return self.db.getOption(key=self._warpOptionKey(key)) def getOptions(self): # get a list of all options as options objects return self.db._options_by_key[self._options_category] def setOption(self, key, value): # set the value of an option return self.db.setOption(key=self._warpOptionKey(key), value=value) def linkOption(self, key, widget): signal = None if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QSpinBox) or isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox): signal = widget.valueChanged elif isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QLineEdit): signal = widget.textChanged elif isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QComboBox): signal = widget.editTextChanged elif isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QCheckBox): signal = widget.stateChanged signal.connect(lambda value, key=key: self.optionInputChanged(value, key)) def optionInputChanged(self, value, key): self.setOption(key, value) def buttonPressedEvent(self): # callback that gets called when the user clicks the button of the add-on in ClickPoints self.run_threaded() def terminate(self): # when the add-on wants to tell it's run thread to terminate self.cp.stop = True if self._run_thread is not None: self._run_thread.join(1) self._run_thread = None def is_running(self): # check if the run thread is running if self._run_thread and self._run_thread.isAlive(): return True return False def run_started(self): # called before run, by the run_wrapper to update the state of the add-on self.cp.stop = False self._change_status.emit(self.cp.STATUS_Running) def run_stopped(self): # called after run, by the run_wrapper to update the state of the add-on if self.isVisible(): self._change_status.emit(self.cp.STATUS_Active) else: self._change_status.emit(self.cp.STATUS_Idle) def run_threaded(self, start_frame=None, function=None): if function is not None: def run_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self.run_started() try: function(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.run_stopped() = run_wrapper # start the run function in another thread, or stop it, if it is already running if self.is_running(): self.terminate() else: if start_frame is None or isinstance(start_frame, bool): start_frame = self.cp.getCurrentFrame() self._run_thread = threading.Thread(, args=(start_frame,)) self._run_thread.daemon = True self._run_thread.start() def run(self, start_frame=0): # here the add-on can implement it's run routine pass def delete(self): # callback that gets called if ClickPoints wants to remove the add-on (also used before reloading the add-on) self.close() def showEvent(self, event): # when the add-on displays it's GUI, we change the status of the add-on if not self.is_running(): self.cp.setStatus(self.cp.STATUS_Active) def closeEvent(self, event): # when the add-on hides it's GUI, we change the status of the add-on if not self.is_running(): self.cp.setStatus(self.cp.STATUS_Idle)